
You wake up dreaming about that script, that tapestry, that immersive installation.

But your inner critic has a megaphone. 

Turn up the volume on your inner wisdom, so you can create the art you dream about. 

*Emily has completed Tara Mohr's Playing Big Facilitator's Training. 

Story Coaching

Maybe you have the spark of an idea. 

Or maybe it's a dusty draft. 

Either way, your story deserves to be told... and told well. 

For solo performers, speakers, and authors.

$50 per 30-minute session.

Book a session:

Breakthrough Creative Coaching for Women+

Calm your inner critic. 

Finish the art you start. 

Find your diehard fans.

$100 per 50-minute session. 

Book a session:

*Emily has completed Tara Mohr's Playing Big Facilitator's Training. 


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